
Martin Donaghy (Ireland)

Male Journey


Jim Taylor (USA)


Pastor, Mosaic Community Church

Brian Stafford (USA)

Animas Valley Insitute

Guide to the wilderness of nature and soul

Gene Dilworth (USA)

Animas Valley Insitute

Guiding groups and individuals in transformative nature-based experiences since 1986

Doug van Houten (USA)

Animas Valley Insitute

Wilderness Guide

Mary Marsden (USA)

Animas Valley Insitute

Soul-centric guide and mentor

Roland Urban (Austria)

Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe

Psychologist, coach and author

Bell Selkie Lovelock (U.K.)

Animas Valley Institute

Wild Mind Guide

Erica Rhinehart (USA)

Animas Valley Institute

Soulcraft Guide

Juris Rubenis (Latvia)

Institute of Integral Education

Dr. Theol., expert in spiritual practices, authorized teacher of contemplation of the third (highest) level of the LKS

Inga Rubene (Latvia)

Institute of Integral Education

Diploma in Education, teacher of contemplation, spiritual coach

Indulis Paičs (Latvia)

Institute of Integral Education

Lutheran pastor, Master of Theology and PhD in Psychology.

Andrejs Vasiļjevs (Latvia)

Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Integral Education, Soulcraft EU

Computer linguistics specialist, chairman of the board of the software company Tilde.

Georgs Rubenis (Latvia)

Soulcraft EU

Via Integralis contemplation teacher, Animas Valley Institute guide programme trainee

Roberts Zīle (Latvia)

Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Integral Education

Vice-President of the European Parliament

Jürgen Lembke (Switzerland)

Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Integral Education

Teacher of the Glasman-Lassalle Zen Lineage (Sensei) and Second Grade Contemplation Teacher of the Lassalle Contemplation School via Integralis (LCS)

Agnese Gintnere (Latvia)

Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Integral Education

Doctor and teacher of contemplation

Lita Rubene (Latvia)

Garīgo prakšu centrs Stacija

Osteopathy student, participant of Via Integralis meditation training

Sage Magdalene (USA)

Animas Valley Institute

Educator, artist, dancer, and gate keeper in many ecosystems. https://www.animas.org/guides/30/sage-magdalene/

Rebecca Wildbear (USA)

Animas Valley Institute

Author of Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth and has offered Wild Yoga™ programs since 2007 https://www.animas.org/guides/6/rebecca-wildbear-m-s/

Sara McFarland (USA)

Animas Valley Institute
