Lassalle Kontemplationsschule via integralis (LKS)

The Lassalle Contemplationsschule via integralis (LCS) was founded in Switzerland by Catholic theologians and Zen masters Nikolaus Brantschen and Pia Gyger. 

The via integralis tradition teaches formless meditation in a responsible dialogue between Christian mysticism and the Zen tradition. It is the mediator of the rich and often hidden tradition of Christian mysticism. The Latvian Chapter of the LKS was founded in 2013.

Target audience: participants enrolled in the 4-year programme.

The course is led by: Juris Rubenis and Indulis Paičs

Venue: Center of spiritual practices Stacija, Lūžņa village, Ventspils municipality,

Course schedule


18.00                Start


13.30                Finish

Dates of events:

January 26–29 Lassalle Kontemplationsschule Via integralis LV session 4 of contemplative teacher training. 

February 17–19 Lassalle Kontemplationsschule Via integralis LV annual meeting/seminar of contemplation teachers.

March 10–14 Lassalle Kontemplationsschule Via integralis LV session 5 of contemplative teacher training. 

More information: